Sr.No. | Title | Issued On | Subject | Details | SR_NO | FOLDERNAME | FILENAME |
| Regarding the additional charge or deputation of AEE/s or AEE/Civil to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 27 and Memo No. 28 dated 07/02/25." | 07-Feb-2025 |
Regarding the additional charge or deputation of AEE/s or AEE/Civil to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 27 and Memo No. 28 dated 07/02/25."
| Regarding the additional charge or deputation of AEE/s or AEE/Civil to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 27 and Memo No. 28 dated 07/02/25." | 438 | K. 8377 | 27-28.PDF |
| Regarding the additional charge or deputation of JEE to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 28 and Memo No. 29 dated 07/02/25." | 07-Feb-2025 |
Regarding the additional charge or deputation of JEE to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 28 and Memo No. 29 dated 07/02/25."
| Regarding the additional charge or deputation of JEE to enhance progress in revenue-related tasks and effectively achieve the objectives of the RDSS scheme, as per Notification No. 28 and Memo No. 29 dated 07/02/25." | 439 | K. 8214 | 28-29 (1).PDF |
| Invitation for Quotation - Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25 | 23-Dec-2024 |
Invitation for Quotation - Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25
| Invitation for Quotation - Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25 | 436 | K. 6583 | TAX AUDITOR APPOINTMENT FOR FY 2024-25.PDF |
| Regarding to the work allotment of DGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(personal) vide notification no: 323 memo no 324dated: 30/10/24 | 05-Nov-2024 |
Regarding to the work allotment of DGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(personal) vide notification no: 323 memo no 324dated: 30/10/24
| Regarding to the work allotment of DGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(personal) vide notification no: 323 memo no 324dated: 30/10/24 | 435 | K. 1037 | 323-324.PDF |
| Regarding Additional charge of AEE/S under NBPDCL | 23-Oct-2024 |
Regarding Additional charge of AEE/S under NBPDCL
| Regarding Additional charge of AEE/S under NBPDCL vide Notification no: 502-514 Memo no. 515 dated 22.10.2024 | 434 | K. 2874 | 502-515.PDF |
| Regarding suspension of Sri , Kundan Kumar (E15262), JEE ,ESD Kumarkhand(north), madhepura vide Office order no: 1154 memo no : 760 dated 07/08/2024 | 07-Aug-2024 |
Regarding suspension of Sri , Kundan Kumar (E15262), JEE ,ESD Kumarkhand(north), madhepura vide Office order no: 1154 memo no : 760 dated 07/08/2024
| Regarding suspension of Sri , Kundan Kumar (E15262), JEE ,ESD Kumarkhand(north), madhepura vide Office order no: 1154 memo no : 760 dated 07/08/2024 | 433 | K. 4967 | 760.PDF |
| Letter of Award for Insurance Coverage of entire Assets & Properties of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) for the FY 2024-25 | 02-Aug-2024 |
Letter of Award for Insurance Coverage of entire Assets & Properties of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) for the FY 2024-25
| Letter of Award for Insurance Coverage of entire Assets & Properties of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) for the FY 2024-25 | 432 | K. 7691 | LOA NO. 36 DT 02-08-24.PDF |
| Regarding additional charge of DBA Md. Azaz Ahmad (E14217) of BREDA Vide Notification No. 257and Memo No. 258 Dt. 31/07/2024 | 31-Jul-2024 |
Regarding additional charge of DBA Md. Azaz Ahmad (E14217) of BREDA Vide Notification No. 257and Memo No. 258 Dt. 31/07/2024
| Regarding additional charge of DBA Md. Azaz Ahmad (E14217) of BREDA Vide Notification No. 257and Memo No. 258 Dt. 31/07/2024 | 430 | K. 5370 | 257-258.PDF |
| Regarding Implant Training Vide Memo No-229 dated:31.07.2024 | 01-Aug-2024 |
Regarding Implant Training Vide Memo No-229 dated:31.07.2024
| Regarding Implant Training Vide Memo No-229 dated:31.07.2024 | 431 | K. 5406 | 229.PDF |
| Regarding Extension of Sri Gaurav Kumar (E13458) AEE ,Executive Charge NBPDCL vide Notification No. 211, Memo no-212 Dt. 19/06/2024 | 20-Jun-2024 |
Regarding Extension of Sri Gaurav Kumar (E13458) AEE ,Executive Charge NBPDCL vide Notification No. 211, Memo no-212 Dt. 19/06/2024
| Regarding Extension of Sri Gaurav Kumar (E13458) AEE ,Executive Charge NBPDCL vide Notification No. 211, Memo no-212 Dt. 19/06/2024 | 429 | K. 8806 | 211-212.PDF |
| Regarding Additional charge of Sri Ajay Kumar (E03565) EEE (Project) Darbhanga vide Notification No. 86 Dt. 19/02/2024 | 20-Feb-2024 |
Regarding Additional charge of Sri Ajay Kumar (E03565) EEE (Project) Darbhanga vide Notification No. 86 Dt. 19/02/2024
| Regarding Additional charge of Sri Ajay Kumar (E03565) EEE (Project) Darbhanga vide Notification No. 86 Dt. 19/02/2024 | 425 | K. 3706 | 86-87.PDF |
| Regarding work allotment of Section Officers vide O.O no-36 Memo no-37 dated 06.02.2024 | 07-Feb-2024 |
Regarding work allotment of Section Officers vide O.O no-36 Memo no-37 dated 06.02.2024
| Regarding work allotment of Section Officers vide O.O no-36 Memo no-37 dated 06.02.2024 | 424 | K. 1870 | 36-37.PDF |
| Regarding providing the list of passed AMIE Junior Electrical Engineer vide memo no 306 dt 06.12.2023 | 20-Dec-2023 |
Regarding providing the list of passed AMIE Junior Electrical Engineer vide memo no 306 dt 06.12.2023
| Regarding providing the list of passed AMIE Junior Electrical Engineer vide memo no 306 dt 06.12.2023 | 423 | K. 4115 | 306.PDF |
| Regarding to the additional charge of Sri Pawan Kumar (E17235) JE(Civil), civil Division, sitamarhi. | 10-Nov-2023 |
Regarding to the additional charge of Sri Pawan Kumar (E17235) JE(Civil), civil Division, sitamarhi.
| Regarding to the additional charge of Sri Pawan Kumar (E17235) JE(Civil), civil Division, sitamarhi. | 422 | K. 5313 | 407-408.PDF |
| अधिसूचना संख्या : 291 दिनांक : 02/07/2023 जनशिकायत प्रशाखा का अतिरिक्त प्रभार के सबंध में... | 03-Nov-2023 |
अधिसूचना संख्या : 291 दिनांक : 02/07/2023 जनशिकायत प्रशाखा का अतिरिक्त प्रभार के सबंध में...
| श्री विनोद प्रसाद(E02369) , उप-महाप्रबंधक (कार्मिक) को जनशिकायत प्रशाखा का प्रभारी पदाधिकारी नामित करने के सबंध में , अधिसूचना संख्या : 291, ज्ञापांक - 292 दिनांक : 02/07/2023 | 421 | K. 3186 | 291-292.PDF |
| अधिसूचना संख्या : 279, दिनांक : 11/10/2023, | 18-Oct-2023 |
अधिसूचना संख्या : 279, दिनांक : 11/10/2023,
| श्री रंजित प्रसाद(E00963) , अवर सचिव एवं श्री अबुनासरूल्लहा हैदर (E03193) , प्रशाखा पदाधिकरी को लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी एवं सहायक लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी, नामित करने के सम्बंध में । | 419 | K. 2955 | 279_280.PDF |
| Regarding to the work allotment of the section_nbpdcl_hq to sri Mithilesh kr singh and smt. priyanka kumari vide notification no: 237 memo no 238 dated: 19/09/23 | 20-Sep-2023 |
Regarding to the work allotment of the section_nbpdcl_hq to sri Mithilesh kr singh and smt. priyanka kumari vide notification no: 237 memo no 238 dated: 19/09/23
| Regarding to the work allotment of the section_nbpdcl_hq | 418 | K. 5908 | 237-238.PDF |
| Corrigendum NBPDCL HQ Patna vide memo no: 253 dated: 24/08/23 | 24-Aug-2023 |
Corrigendum NBPDCL HQ Patna vide memo no: 253 dated: 24/08/23
| Corrigendum Regarding to discharge the duties of GM(Revenue) , NBPDCL HQ Patna vide memo no: 253 dated: 24/08/23 | 417 | K. 3994 | 253A.PDF |
| Regarding to discharge the duties of GM(Revenue) , NBPDCL HQ Patna | 23-Aug-2023 |
Regarding to discharge the duties of GM(Revenue) , NBPDCL HQ Patna
| Regarding to the additional charge for Sri Jayjit Ray (E00141) DGM(Rev.) NBPDCL vide notification no: 251 memo no: 252 dated: 23/08/23 | 416 | K. 6660 | 251-252.PDF |
| Regarding to the extra charge of smt. Anjali kumari (E15030) AITM in HT_Cell NBPDCL vide memo no: 259 dated: 21/07/23 | 21-Jul-2023 |
Regarding to the extra charge of smt. Anjali kumari (E15030) AITM in HT_Cell NBPDCL vide memo no: 259 dated: 21/07/23
| Regarding to the extra charge of smt. Anjali kumari (E15030) AITM in HT_Cell NBPDCL vide memo no: 259 dated: 21/07/23 | 415 | K. 7296 | 258-259.PDF |