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Sr.No.Issued OnSubjectDetails
1 23-Dec-2024 Invitation for Quotation - Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25 Invitation for Quotation - Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25
2 05-Nov-2024 Regarding to the work allotment of DGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(personal) vide notification no: 323 memo no 324dated: 30/10/24 Regarding to the work allotment of DGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(personal) vide notification no: 323 memo no 324dated: 30/10/24
3 23-Oct-2024 Regarding Additional charge of AEE/S under NBPDCL Regarding Additional charge of AEE/S under NBPDCL vide Notification no: 502-514 Memo no. 515 dated 22.10.2024
4 07-Aug-2024 Regarding suspension of Sri , Kundan Kumar (E15262), JEE ,ESD Kumarkhand(north), madhepura vide Office order no: 1154 memo no : 760 dated 07/08/2024 Regarding suspension of Sri , Kundan Kumar (E15262), JEE ,ESD Kumarkhand(north), madhepura vide Office order no: 1154 memo no : 760 dated 07/08/2024
5 02-Aug-2024 Letter of Award for Insurance Coverage of entire Assets & Properties of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) for the FY 2024-25 Letter of Award for Insurance Coverage of entire Assets & Properties of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) for the FY 2024-25
6 31-Jul-2024 Regarding additional charge of DBA Md. Azaz Ahmad (E14217) of BREDA Vide Notification No. 257and Memo No. 258 Dt. 31/07/2024 Regarding additional charge of DBA Md. Azaz Ahmad (E14217) of BREDA Vide Notification No. 257and Memo No. 258 Dt. 31/07/2024
7 01-Aug-2024 Regarding Implant Training Vide Memo No-229 dated:31.07.2024 Regarding Implant Training Vide Memo No-229 dated:31.07.2024
8 20-Jun-2024 Regarding Extension of Sri Gaurav Kumar (E13458) AEE ,Executive Charge NBPDCL vide Notification No. 211, Memo no-212 Dt. 19/06/2024 Regarding Extension of Sri Gaurav Kumar (E13458) AEE ,Executive Charge NBPDCL vide Notification No. 211, Memo no-212 Dt. 19/06/2024
9 20-Feb-2024 Regarding Additional charge of Sri Ajay Kumar (E03565) EEE (Project) Darbhanga vide Notification No. 86 Dt. 19/02/2024 Regarding Additional charge of Sri Ajay Kumar (E03565) EEE (Project) Darbhanga vide Notification No. 86 Dt. 19/02/2024
10 07-Feb-2024 Regarding work allotment of Section Officers vide O.O no-36 Memo no-37 dated 06.02.2024 Regarding work allotment of Section Officers vide O.O no-36 Memo no-37 dated 06.02.2024
11 20-Dec-2023 Regarding providing the list of passed AMIE Junior Electrical Engineer vide memo no 306 dt 06.12.2023 Regarding providing the list of passed AMIE Junior Electrical Engineer vide memo no 306 dt 06.12.2023
12 10-Nov-2023 Regarding to the additional charge of Sri Pawan Kumar (E17235) JE(Civil), civil Division, sitamarhi. Regarding to the additional charge of Sri Pawan Kumar (E17235) JE(Civil), civil Division, sitamarhi.
13 03-Nov-2023 अधिसूचना संख्या : 291 दिनांक : 02/07/2023 जनशिकायत प्रशाखा का अतिरिक्त प्रभार के सबंध में... श्री विनोद प्रसाद(E02369) , उप-महाप्रबंधक (कार्मिक) को जनशिकायत प्रशाखा का प्रभारी पदाधिकारी नामित करने के सबंध में , अधिसूचना संख्या : 291, ज्ञापांक - 292 दिनांक : 02/07/2023
14 18-Oct-2023 अधिसूचना संख्या : 279, दिनांक : 11/10/2023, श्री रंजित प्रसाद(E00963) , अवर सचिव एवं श्री अबुनासरूल्लहा हैदर (E03193) , प्रशाखा पदाधिकरी को लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी एवं सहायक लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी, नामित करने के सम्बंध में ।
15 20-Sep-2023 Regarding to the work allotment of the section_nbpdcl_hq to sri Mithilesh kr singh and smt. priyanka kumari vide notification no: 237 memo no 238 dated: 19/09/23 Regarding to the work allotment of the section_nbpdcl_hq
16 24-Aug-2023 Corrigendum NBPDCL HQ Patna vide memo no: 253 dated: 24/08/23 Corrigendum Regarding to discharge the duties of GM(Revenue) , NBPDCL HQ Patna vide memo no: 253 dated: 24/08/23
17 23-Aug-2023 Regarding to discharge the duties of GM(Revenue) , NBPDCL HQ Patna Regarding to the additional charge for Sri Jayjit Ray (E00141) DGM(Rev.) NBPDCL vide notification no: 251 memo no: 252 dated: 23/08/23
18 21-Jul-2023 Regarding to the extra charge of smt. Anjali kumari (E15030) AITM in HT_Cell NBPDCL vide memo no: 259 dated: 21/07/23 Regarding to the extra charge of smt. Anjali kumari (E15030) AITM in HT_Cell NBPDCL vide memo no: 259 dated: 21/07/23
19 10-Jul-2023 Regarding to Sri Sujeet kr AO (Rev) NBPDCL hq vide notification no: 119, memo no: 200 dated: 10/07/2022 Regarding to the nomination of Sri Sujeet kr (E00542) , AO(rev) nbpdcl-hq , as a nodal officer for collecting and compiling data related to prepared distribution perspective plan and sharing with CEA
20 05-Apr-2023 Regarding Abhishek Kumar Mishra (E16046), Attendent ,O.O No. 477 Memo No-151 Dt. 05/04/2023 Regarding Abhishek Kumar Mishra (E16046), Attendent ,O.O No. 477 Memo No-151 Dt. 05/04/2023